ドイツのセキュリティスペシャリストi0n1cとしても知られるStefan Esser氏がiOS 8.4 beta 1の脱獄の証明として動画を公開しました。
Hi fellow netizens,
today I am delighted to share this video of a proof of concept iOS 8.4-beta 1 jailbreak that I was working on the last 4 days. Of course this video will trigger haters all over the jailbreaking scene that for some reason believe they can decide what a person is allowed to do or not do with their work. Haters gonna hate. So just ignore the haters and never let them tell you what you have to do. In that regard never let anyone bully you and stop you from showing your own hard work. Peace!
The major vulnerability used in here was found right after the SyScan 2015 security conference when I was relaxing in Singapore from several weeks of training and conferences. The vulnerability itself is however not new to iOS. Instead it is inside the code virtually forever. But the code of this jailbreak has nothing at all todo with the previous CyberElevat0r for iOS 7.1.1 - it does not share a single line of code.
I am not showing persistence or an untether at the moment because something is broken with it. But hey this is just a first proof of concept.
SyScan 2015 security conferenceの直後に発見した脆弱性を使用したことが書かれており、それは別に目新しいものではないけども、永久にiOSに存在するものだとしています。
Musicの新しいUIもiOS 8.4 beta 1のもので間違いなさそうです。
しかし、iOS 8.4 beeta 1の初のJailbreaker としてのアピールには十分。あとはTaiGやPanguチームのような開発グループがお手軽な脱獄ツールを公開するのを待つだけでしょう。